フランスの『Active Suspension』から2003年にリリースされた、“O.Lamm”ことOlivier Lammのリミックス・アルバムが入荷!
Team DoyobiやMy Jazzy Child、半野喜弘、Hypo、Discomなど総勢17アーティスト達がリミックス!
01: Fabriquedecouleurs / The Smartest Kid On Earth (She's That Boho Folkie Always Strumming Her Guitar Shyly In The Corner Remix)
02: My Jazzy Child / Another Song About Kate (Kate Again Remix)
03: Team Doyobi / Kate (She Rocks) (Sky Legends Of The World Remix)
04: Shinsei & Regressive Audio / Description D'un Cylindre Feat. Kumi Okamoto (Le Souffle Du Panda Mix)
05: Blevin Blectum / bLammO, OverloaDenied (Kate (She Rocks Remix)
06: Erich Zahn / Mn'LI (Woaini Remix)
07: Yoshihiro Hanno / Faye At The Desk (Remix, Tokyo 2002)
08: Ovil Bianca / I'd Like To Be You (Pour Eliane Radigue Et Beverly Mantle Remix)
09: Hypo / Mason & Dixon Feat. Emmanuelle De Hericourt (Koalammix)
10: Discom / Medley
11: Steve Roden / The Light Bends Down From The Sky And Into The Kitchen Window (The Northern Light Makes Up With A Brilliance For What It Lacks In Warmth Remix)
12: Gordz / WTFACF? SP! (Crayon Remix)
13: Noak Katoi / No Medley, No Fadeout (A Del Remix)
14: Alejandra&Aeron / All Kids Come From Storks Flying In From Paris (David Remix)
15: Odot & Miss Quentin / Cracking Again (Cracking Remix)
16: dDamage / Freazin' The Koala (Del Remix)
17: Domotic / Cheerleaders' Training Kit (Guitar Innovator Remix)
型番 |
ACD-07 |
販売価格 |
在庫数 |
残り1枚です |
購入数 |